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Welcome to the Official Home Page of XCALC!

XCALC 3.0.5 with source is now available

Version 2.9.4 (windows only) is now available
Source 2.9.4
(windows only) is now available

Dear readers

XCALC is now a DEAD project. No work has been done on this project since 2012, and nothing more will be done either. Sorry.

The text below just describes the state when it was abandoned.

XCALC is my little hobby project -- a Win32 (2000+, 98+) RPN calculator completely free to use, and still downloadable from here:

Development of windows XCALC is discontinued. I don't run any Windows machines any more, but have decided to continue development on a cross-platform application using Qt.

Enter XCALC 3! Using Qt, this should be possible to compile and run on various windows systems, MacOSX, Linux and some mobile units (NOT Android, they only run Java applications).

I compile and distribute only a Linux version developed under Linux Ubuntu/Mint, under the GNU public license. There will also soon appear a new windows installable, kindly compiled by Timothy Anderson. Older versions:
The first release, xcalc 3.0.1, is based on XCALC 2.9.4 but still very different. First, there is NO help function in this version. Further, programming, constants and conversions are missing, as well as an editable keyboard. Finally, there are no error messages - if you divide something by zero you get infinity, if you divide zero by zero you'll get NaN (not-a-number).

The second version, xcalc 3.0.2 adds online help and degree/radian angle measures. Also, the buttons are placed slightly better.

The third or fourth version, xcalc 3.0.3/4 might actually be able to compile for different platforms. I've had quite a bit of help from a non-linux user to try to get it right.

The fifth version, xcalc 3.0.5 has a much better treatment of the undo/redo logic.

BTW: the difference in tar sizes is just because I haven't always managed to remove the unneeded files.

Otherwise it is all there - xcalc can handle huge complex numbers, fractions and DMS numbers. And of course it has binary, octal and hex numbers, now from 8 to 64 bits wide.


The source is provided, but currently there is only a project for QtCreator there, and no porting help. I don't yet know how to pack the source as a proper GNU tarball, sorry. If someone knows how to generate a tarball for a Qt project complete with ./configure;make;make install please tell me.


xcalc3 is written in C++. I needed to switch from C to satisfy Qt; using C++ also makes it possible to use the STD libraries in the code. And that is a great help!

Why Qt?

There are several reasons for using Qt as a platform. The first is that it is a mature, cross-OS, Norwegian system that actually exists and works.

Further, since I have left windoze and moved on to Linux, I find that programming in C for GTK+ is a mess. That system was not created to be programmer-friendly at all in my opinion. Moving on to C++, you have GTKMM or Inti (largely abandoned) or the xfce Foundation Classes, XFC (looks like it's abandoned, too!)  - read here.


Since my released version is for Linux, the compiler is of course GCC (or, G++). Tim Anderson has used Visual Studio 2010.

Author of XCALC:

          Bernt Ribbum


This page also kindly translated as follows:
David Leoney
Ukraine (link missing so far)
Mario Pozner


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